
Exhaustive Search and Backtracking

Recursion Backtracking

来自Stanford CS106B Lecture 9/10/11 - Exhaustive Search and Backtracking (winter 2018)的学习笔记。


exhaustive search(穷举搜索): Exploring every possible combination from a set of choices or values.

  • often implemented recursively


  • producing all permutations of a set of values
  • enumerating all possible names, passwords, etc.
  • combinatorics and logic programming.

Often the search space consists of many decisions, each has several available choices.

  • Example: When enumerating all 5-letter strings, each of the 5 letters is a decision, and each of those decisions has 26 possible choice.

A general pseudo-code algorithm for exhaustive search:

Example - printAllBinary

Write a recursive function printAllBinary that accepts an integer number of digits and prints all binary numbers that have exactly that many digits, in ascending order, one per line.


#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
void printAllBinaryHelper(int digits, string s){
    if (digits == 0) {
        // base case: print the string we have built
        cout << s << endl;
        printAllBinaryHelper(digits -1, s+"0");
        printAllBinaryHelper(digits -1, s+"1");

void printAllBinary(int digits) {
    printAllBinaryHelper(digits, "");

int main(){
    int digits = 3;


#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

void printDecimalHelper(int digits, string s){
    if (digits == 0) {
        // base case
        cout << s << endl;
    } else{
        for (int i = 0; i< 10; i++)
            printDecimalHelper(digits-1, s+to_string(i));

void printDecimal(int digits){
    printDecimalHelper(digits, "");

int main(){

2. Backtracking

backtracking: Finding solution(s) by trying partial solutions and then abandoning them if they are not suitable.

  • a "brute force" algorithmic technique (tries all paths)
  • often implemented recursively


  • producing all permutations of a set of values
  • parsing languages
  • games: anagrams, crosswords, word jumbles
  • combinatorics and logic programming
  • escaping from a maze

A general pseudo-code algorithm for backtracking

  • Key tasks:

    • Figure out appropriate smallest unit of work (decision)
    • Figure out how to enumerate all possible choices/options for it.

Example- Dice Roll Sum

Dice Roll Sum: Write a function diceSum that accepts two integer parameters: a number of dice to roll, and a desired sum of all die values. Output all combinations of die values that add up to exactly that sum.

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>

  * prints all possible outcomes of rolling the given
  * number of six-sided dice that add up to exactly the given
  * desired sum, in {#, #, #} format.
using namespace std;
void diceSumHelper(int dice, int desiredSum, vector<int> & chosen){
    if (dice == 0) {
        if (desiredSum == 0) {
            // base case
            cout << "{";
            for (int i = 0; i < chosen.size() - 1; i++)
                    cout << chosen[i] << ",";
            cout << chosen[chosen.size()-1] <<  "}" << endl;
    } else{
        for (int i = 1; i < 7; i++){
            // choose i
            // explore what could follow that
            diceSumHelper(dice - 1, desiredSum - i, chosen);
            // un-choose i

void diceSum(int dice, int desiredSum){
    vector<int> v;
    diceSumHelper(dice, desiredSum, v);

int main(){
    cout << "diceSum:" << endl;
    diceSum(3, 7);
    return 0;

但这并不是非常好的一个解决方案。It checks every possibility. 所以可以加上一些限制条件。

    else if (desiredSum >= dice*1 && desiredSum <= dice*6){
        ...todo something

Example - Escape Maze

Write a function escapeMaze(maze, row, col) that searches for a path out of a given 2-dimensional maze.

  • Return true if able to escape, or false if not.
  • "Escaping" means exiting the maze boundaries.
  • You can move 1 square at a time in any of the 4 directions
  • "Mark" your path along the way.
  • "Taint" bad paths that do not work.
  • Do not explore the same path twice.

bool escapeMaze(Maze& maze, int row, int col) {
    //base case
    if(!maze.inBounds(row, col)){
        return true;
    } else if(maze.isWall(row, col)){
        return false;
    } else if (maze.isOpen(row, col)){
        maze.mark(row, col);
        bool result = escapeMaze(maze, row + 1, col)
            || escapeMaze(maze, row, col + 1) 
            || escapeMaze(maze, row, col - 1) 
            || escapeMaze(maze, row - 1, col)){
        if (!result) maze.taint(row, col);
        return result;
    return false;

Example - Permute Vector

Write a function permute that accepts a Vector of strings as a parameter and outputs all possible rearrangements of the strings in that vector. The arrangements may be output in any order.

  • Example: if v contains { "a", "b", "c", "d"}, you function outputs these permutations:

Permute Vector

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>

using namespace std;

// {a, b, c, d}
void permuateHelper(vector<string> &v, vector<string>& chosen){
    // base_case
    if (v.size() == 0) {
        cout << "{ ";
        for (vector<string>::iterator iter = chosen.begin(); 
                    iter != chosen.end(); iter++)
            cout << *iter;
        cout << " }" << endl;

    // for each choice:
    for (vector<string>::iterator iter = v.begin(); 
                iter != v.end(); iter++} {
        string s = *iter;

        permuateHelper(v, chosen);

        v.insert(iter, s);

void permuate(vector<string> &v){
    vector<string> chosen;
    permuateHelper(v, chosen);

int main(){
    string str[] = {"M", "A", "R", "T", "Y"};
    vector<string> v(str, str+5);

Example: Sublists

Write a function sublists that finds every possible sub-list of a given vector. A sub-list of a vector V contains \ge 0 of V^\prime elements.

  • Example: if V is {Jane, Bob, Matt, Sara}, then the call of sublists(V); prints:

  • You can print the sub-lists out in any order, one per line.

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>

using namespace std;

//{"Jane","Bob", "Matt", "Sara"}
void sublistsHelper(vector<string>& v, vector<string>& chosen){
    if (v.size()==0){
    // base case
    cout << "{";
    for (vector<string>::iterator iter= chosen.begin(); 
                iter!= chosen.end(); iter++){
        cout << *iter << " "; 
    cout << "}" << endl;

        // recursive case
        // for each possible choice:
        string s = v[0];
        // - choose/explore (without s)
        sublistsHelper(v, chosen);
        // - choose/explore (with s)
        sublistsHelper(v, chosen);
        // - unchoose
        v.insert(v.begin(), s);

 * Prints all subsets of the given vector
void sublists(vector<string> &v){
    vector<string> chosen;
    sublistsHelper(v, chosen);

int main(){
    string _names[]= {"Jane","Bob", "Matt", "Sara"};
    vector<string> names(_names, _names+4);
    cout << "sublists of ";
    for ( vector<string>::iterator iter= names.begin();
                 iter!= names.end(); iter++){
        cout << *iter << " ";
    cout << ":" <<  endl << endl;


    return 0;

Example: 8 Queens

The 8 Queens problem: Consider the problem of trying to place 8 queens on a chess board such that no queen can attack another queen.



#include <iostream>
#include <string>

bool solveQueensHelper(Board &board, int column){
    if (column >= 8){
        // check valid
        cout << board.toString() << endl;
        return true;
    } else {
        for (int row = 0; row < 8; row ++){
            if (board.isSafe(row, column)){
                board.place(row, column);
                bool finished = solveQueensHelper(board, column + 1);
                if (finished) return true;
                board.remove(row, column);
        return false

void solveQueens(Board & board){
    solveQueensHelper(board, 0);