
Topic - Graph


Definition: A graph can be represented by G where G=(V,E). For the graph G, V is a set of vertices and E is a set of edges. Each edge is a tuple (v,w) where w, v \in V.

Vocabulary and Definitions

  • vertex: also a node, is a fundamental part of a graph. It can have a name key. A vertex may also have additional information called payload.
  • Edge: also an arc, connects two vertices, and may be one-way(directed graph) or two-way(undirected graph).
  • Weight: Edges may be weighted to show that there is a cost (weight)to go from one vertex to another. E.g. the distance between the two cities.
  • path: a sequence of vertices that are connected by edges. Formally we could define a path as w_1, w_2,...,w_n such that (w_i,w_{i+1}) \in E for all 1 \le i \le n-1. The weighted path length is the sum of the weights of the edges in the path.
  • cycle: a path in a directed graph, which starts and ends at the same vertex. A graph with no cycles is called an acyclic graph. A directed graph with no cycles is called a directed acyclic graph(有向无环图) or a DAG.


Adjacency Matrix

  • Each of the rows and columns represent a vertex in the graph.
  • The value that is stored in the cell at the intersection of row v and column w indicates if there is an edge from vertex v to vertex w.
  • simple, but inefficient if the graph is too large and the matrix is sparse.
  • Space Complexity: O(|V|^2), where |V| is the number of vertices.

Adjacency List

A more space-efficient way to implement a sparsely connected graph is to use an adjacency list. We keep a master list of all the vertices in the Graph object and then each vertex object in the graph maintains a list of the other vertices that it is connected to. Space Complexity is O(|V| + |E|).

Adjacency List

Edge List

A list of edges. Edge lists are simple, but if we want to find whether the graph contains a particular edge, we have to search through the edge list. Space Complexity is O(|E|), where |E| is the number of edges.




The graph abstract data type (ADT) is defined as follows:

  • Graph(): Creates a new, empty graph.
  • addVertex(vert): Adds an instance of Vertex to the graph.
  • addEdge(fromVert, toVert): Adds a new, directed edge to the graph that connects two vertices.
  • addEdge(fromVert, toVert, weight): Adds a new, weighted, directed edge to the graph that connects two vertices.
  • getVertex(vertKey): Finds the vertex in the graph named vertKey.
  • getVertices() returns the list of all vertices in the graph.
  • in: Returns True for a statement of the form vertex in graph, if the given vertex is in the graph,False otherwise.


We will create two classes, Graph, which holds the master list of vertices, and Vertex, which will represent each vertex in the graph.

Each Vertex uses a dictionary to keep track of the vertices to which it is connected, and the weight of each edge. This dictionary is called connectedTo. The listing below shows the code for the Vertex class. The constructor simply initializes the id, which will typically be a string, and the connectedTo dictionary. The addNeighbor() method is used to add a connection from this vertex to another. The getConnections() method returns all of the vertices in the adjacency list, as represented by the connectedTo() instance variable. The getWeight() method returns the weight of the edge from this vertex to the vertex passed as a parameter.

class Vertex:
    def __init__(self, key):
        self.id = key
        self.connectedTo = {}

    def addNeighbor(self, nbr, weight=0):
        self.connectedTo[nbr] = weight

    def __str__(self):
        return str(self.id) + ' connectedTo: ' + str([x.id for x in self.connectedTo])

    def getConnections(self):
        return self.connectedTo.keys()

    def getId(self):
        return self.id

    def getWeight(self, nbr):
        return self.connectedTo[nbr]

The Graph class, shown in the next listing, contains a dictionary that maps vertex names to vertex objects. Graph also provides methods for adding vertices to a graph and connecting one vertex to another. The getVertices() method returns the names of all of the vertices in the graph. In addition, the __iter__ method makes it easy to iterate over all the vertex objects in a particular graph. Together, the two methods allow to iterate over the vertices in a graph by name, or by the objects themselves.

class Graph:
    def __init__(self):
        self.vertList = {}
        self.numVertices = 0

    def addVertex(self, key):
        self.numVertices = self.numVertices + 1
        newVertex = Vertex(key)
        self.vertList[key] = newVertex
        return newVertex

    def getVertex(self, n):
        if n in self.vertList:
            return self.vertList[n]
            return None

    def __contains__(self, vertex):
        return vertex in self.vertList

    def addEdge(self, fromVert, toVert, cost=0):
        if fromVert not in self.vertList:
            nv = self.addVertex(fromVert)
        if toVert not in self.vertList:
            nv = self.addVertex(toVert)
        self.vertList[toVert].addNeighbor(self.vertList[toVert], cost)

    def getVertices(self):
        return self.vertList.keys()

    def __iter__(self):
        return iter(self.vertList.values())

深度优先搜索(Depth First Search, DFS)和广度优先搜索(Breath First Search, BFS)是常用的图的搜索算法。


BFS Implementation

Breadth-First Search (BFS)

  • explored nodes in "layers"
  • can compute shortest paths (FIFO)
  • can compute connected components of an undirected graph
  • O(E+V) time using a queue
BFS (graph G, start vertex s)
-- mark s as explored
-- let Q = queue, initialized with s
-- while Q is not empty:
    -- remove the first node of Q, call it v
    -- for each edge (v, w):
        -- if w unexplored
            -- mark w as explored
            -- add w to Q(at the end)

Connected Components via BFS

A connected component of an undirected graph is a subgraph in which any two vertices are connected to each other by paths, and which is connected to no additional vertices in the supergraph. [wiki]

To compute all components for undirected graph:

-- initialize all nodes as unexplored
[assume labelled 1 to n]
-- for i = 1 to n
    -- if i not yet explored
        //discovers precisely is connected component
        -- BFS(G, i) 
def bfs(graph, start):
    visited, queue = set(), [start]
    while queue:
        vertex = queue.pop(0)
        if vertex not in visited:
            queue.extend(graph[vertex] - visited)
    return visited

Running time is O(|E| + |V|).

DFS Implementation

Depth-First Search

  • explore aggressively like a maze, backtrack only necessary
  • compute topological ordering of a directed acyclic graph
  • compute connected components in directed graphs
  • O(E+V) time using a stack (LIFO) or via recursion

Recursive Version

DFS(graph G, start vertex s)
    -- mark s as explored
    -- for every edge (s, v):
        -- if v unexplored
        -- DFS(G, v)
def dfs(graph, start, visited=None):
    if visited is None:
        visited = set()
    for next in graph[start] - visited:
        dfs(graph, next, visited)
    return visited

Iterative Version

DFS(graph G, start vertex s):
-- let S be a stack, and initialized with s
    -- while S is not empty
        -- u = S.pop()
        -- for each edge (u, v)
            -- if v is not yet explored:
                -- label v as explored
                -- S.push(v)

Topological Sort

A topological sort of a directed graph is a linear ordering of its vertices such that for every directed edge uv from vertex u to vertex v, u comes before v in the ordering. [wiki]

Note: G has directed cycle => no topological ordering

-- mark all vertexes unexplored
-- L ← Empty stack that will contain the sorted nodes
-- for each vertex
    -- if v not yet explored
        -- DFS(G, v)

-- DFS(G, start vertex s)
    -- for every edge (s, v)
        -- if v not yet explored
            -- mark v explored
            -- DFS(G, v)
    -- add s to L
